resampleBRED: Estimate
Sampling Error for
Brainerd-Robinson & Euclidean Distance Coefficients
resampleBRED provides a Monte
Carlo estimate of the sampling error of the Brainerd Robinson
coefficient and Euclidean Distance Coefficient (based on percents)
of a sample drawn from a known population or of two samples drawn
from the same population. Input consists of the population
proportions (or counts) and the sample size or sample sizes to be
drawn. Output consists of a table of probabilities of getting the
same or lower BR coefficient (as or less similar) and the same or
greater Euclidean Distance Coefficient between a sample of the
specified size drawn from the population and the population itself
or between two different samples drawn from the population. A
histogram is also provided. This program replaces the BRSample
program (it includes all of the functionality of that program and
adds computations for Euclidean Distance computations. The program
was initially developed for Brainderd-Robinson Coefficients based
on a suggestion from Warren DeBoer of Queens College and is
described and used in DeBoer et al. (1996).
File or Device for Output (CON for Screen) {CON} ?
Random Generator Seed (0 to set from clock) {0} ?
Read Population Data from [K]eyboard or a [F]ile {K} ?
Number of Types in the Population ? 4
Population Proportion (or % or Count) ? 12
Population Proportion (or % or Count) ? 31
Population Proportion (or % or Count) ? 64
Population Proportion (or % or Count) ? 133
Input Total = 240.00
[P]opulation-Sample or [S]ample-Sample Similarity {P} ?
Sample Size {100} ?
Number of Monte Carlo Trials {10000} ?
Population-Sample Similarity Sample Size=20 Trials=10000 BR Mean=173.47 BR Std= 12.00 ED Mean= 15.24 ED Std= 12.00
Rerun Using Same Population {Y} ?
Rerun Using Different Population {N} ?
Estimate Sampling Error for Brainder-Robinson
and Euclidean Distance Coefficients
(c) Keith W. Kintigh, Arizona State University, 2007
Monte-Carlo samples with specified sample sizes are drawn with
replacement from a single population with given type proportions.
The proportion of Monte Carlo trials with a similarity coefficient
<= K or a distance coefficient >= K estimates the probability of
obtaining by chance a value as or more extreme than K between the
sample and the population, or between two samples.
Thus, a cumulative probability of 0.350 associated with a similarity
coefficient of 150 indicates that 35% of the time a similarity of 150
or less would be obtained by chance, suggesting no significant difference.
Population Percents (4 Types): Type-Pct
1 - 5.00 2 - 12.92 3 - 26.67 4 - 55.42
Population-Sample Similarity Sample Size=100 Trials=10000
BR Mean=188.04 BR Std= 5.66 ED Mean= 7.05 ED Std= 5.66
B-R Probability Estimates Based on % of Trials - (B-R Coeff, Prob, Cum Prob)
199:0.005,1.000 198:0.007,0.996 197:0.024,0.989 196:0.023,0.965 195:0.059,0.942
194:0.039,0.884 193:0.081,0.844 192:0.049,0.763 191:0.103,0.714 190:0.049,0.611
189:0.103,0.562 188:0.033,0.459 187:0.098,0.426 186:0.024,0.328 185:0.072,0.304
184:0.018,0.232 183:0.061,0.214 182:0.011,0.153 181:0.047,0.142 180:0.005,0.095
179:0.033,0.090 178:0.003,0.057 177:0.021,0.054 176:0.001,0.033 175:0.013,0.032
174:0.001,0.019 173:0.008,0.018 172:0.000,0.010 171:0.004,0.010 170:0.000,0.006
169:0.003,0.006 168:0.000,0.003 167:0.002,0.003 166:0.000,0.001 165:0.001,0.001
164:0.000,0.000 163:0.000,0.000 162:0.000,0.000 161:0.000,0.000
E-D Probability Estimates Based on % of Trials - (E-D Coeff, Prob, Cum Prob)
1:0.013,0.000 2:0.039,0.013 3:0.082,0.052 4:0.106,0.134 5:0.129,0.240
6:0.126,0.369 7:0.111,0.496 8:0.102,0.607 9:0.072,0.709 10:0.063,0.781
11:0.049,0.844 12:0.036,0.893 13:0.024,0.929 14:0.018,0.953 15:0.011,0.971
16:0.007,0.981 17:0.004,0.988 18:0.003,0.992 19:0.002,0.995 20:0.001,0.997
21:0.001,0.999 22:0.000,0.999 23:0.000,0.999 24:0.000,1.000 25:0.000,1.000
B-R Num of Pct of Cumulative
Coeff Trials Trials Percent Histogram (*=60 trials)
200-198 114 1.1 100.0- 98.9 |**
197-195 1051 10.5 98.9- 88.3 |******************
194-192 1694 16.9 88.3- 71.4 |****************************
191-189 2549 25.5 71.4- 45.9 |******************************************
188-186 1555 15.6 45.9- 30.4 |**************************
185-183 1503 15.0 30.4- 15.3 |*************************
182-180 639 6.4 15.3- 9.0 |***********
179-177 568 5.7 9.0- 3.3 |*********
176-174 149 1.5 3.3- 1.8 |**
173-171 119 1.2 1.8- 0.6 |**
170-168 30 0.3 0.6- 0.3 |
167-165 27 0.3 0.3- 0.0 |
164-162 0 0.0 0.0- 0.0 |
161-159 2 0.0 0.0- 0.0 |
E-D Num of Pct of Cumulative
Coeff Trials Trials Percent Histogram (*=56 trials)
0- 1 131 1.3 2.6- 1.3 |**
2- 3 1209 12.1 25.5- 13.4 |**********************
4- 5 2353 23.5 60.5- 36.9 |******************************************
6- 7 2373 23.7 84.4- 60.7 |******************************************
8- 9 1743 17.4 95.5- 78.1 |*******************************
10- 11 1121 11.2 100.5- 89.3 |********************
12- 13 600 6.0 101.3- 95.3 |***********
14- 15 282 2.8 100.9- 98.1 |*****
16- 17 109 1.1 100.3- 99.2 |**
18- 19 51 0.5 100.2- 99.7 |*
20- 21 22 0.2 100.2- 99.9 |
22- 23 4 0.0 100.0-100.0 |
24- 25 2 0.0 100.0-100.0 |
Page Last Updated: 21June 2022